Life seems to keep passing by quicker than I expected, which isn't a bad thing but I thought it was going to be a little different. Here I am brain storming my dream shop and everything I want to offer but going though the joys of being a first time parent. Parenting is a lot more then I ever expected and more than anybody can ever teach. I've been up plenty of nights with my little one when he isn't feeling good and I'm not bothered one bit by it. Im more happy that I get to spend all the time I do with him.
A lot of stay at home parents take it for granted but I'm using it as an opportunity to teach him what I can. I never thought I would be a home maker but here I am loving every minute of it. It's given me a lot of time to find myself and what I love the most. Cooking was never a big thing for me but I get to find new recipes and make them my own. It comes with a lot of failure but experience to know what not to do next time or what I don't like. Being home with my son makes me want to learn new things, although he does love his spaghetti.
I'm trying to give myself the time I need to realize that it's okay to not be perfect or the person on Pinterest with the perfect house. Who knows what they struggle with in their everyday life? It's the things you don't see that matters the most. I've been hard on myself before with expectations on what I wanted in my life and when it steered away from what I thought it was going to be I had a hard time dealing with it. It's easy to see the short comings in life and not look around and see what you already have going for you.
People may look at your life and think you have it together too, it's all about perception. Take what you have and see the good. Be a maker. I don't mean a home maker. I mean a maker of your situation, turn it around and see the good. Be the person your husband or child sees when they look at you. Chances are it's you who's making the situations harder on yourself.
It may not be today or tomorrow but things will get better. Nothing will change over night but it does take a first step to get going. Be the maker of your own destiny.
Until next time my lovelies,
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